Monday, August 1, 2011


I have alot to do today but of course I decided that being on the computer was first priority after feeding and milking the animals. I wont bore you with all of the mundane things I have to do (even though I find most of them to be exciting), but I am going to share how I am planning on downsizing our expenses. First of all I am going to go through the cupboards and refrigerator and see what all is hidden in there that I have forgotten about, then putting it all where I can see it when I open the doors. I am only going to buy things when I absolutely need them. We need to eat more of what we have instead of just what we are wanting at the time. I am also going to try and make almost everything we eat, instead of buying the snack items I am going to bake ALL of my own. I do already make alot of my own but I still give into the temtation of easily accessible items. We also need to quit eating out every other weekend. Sometimes it is every weekend. It is so much easier for me to just go through the drive thru then to go home and make a meal but make a meal is what I am gonna do from now on. These are the few things I am gonna start with, it does not sound like much but each little step will get me closer to the big picture.

1 comment:

  1. Good for you!! I try every month to downsize and watch what I spend. Every since I ran my daycare back in MA. I had to make a weekly menu, I still do this but for dinner. I go through my freezers and see what I have, make my menu and then make sure I have everything I need. Then if I don't I add it to my weekly shopping list. I only shop off a list. If I don't have a list I spend way to much. We are guilty of going out to dinner on weekends too. Good luck reaching your goal :)
