Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Spring is coming

Spring is finally coming, I can feel it in the air. I love spring. It is the time of year that all the baby animals are born and everything is new. Flowers grow and trees bloom and it is time to start planning and preparing for my garden. I am planning on a bountiful garden this year. I have even started tree seedlings from apples. I think this is gonna be a good year.

The baby goats finally arrived. They were born on St. Patrick's Day. A doeling and a buckling. I named the doeling Joy because I was so happy that they finally arrived and the buckling is named Patrick since he was born on St. Patrick's Day. I have never been so excited in my life. I had been checking on Mohawk every few hours for weeks and on Thursday I knew she was getting close so I was making sure to check on her every 2 hours and she ended up having them while I was eating breakfast. I was on my way out to the barn to check on her before I took a shower and I was about half way there when I heard small bleating noises. Of course I ran the rest of the way to the barn. After I saw that they were out there and that there was 2 of them I ran to the trailer and woke up Doug and then went back to barn. After everyone was cleaned off and I knew they were healthy I called everyone. It was like I had a baby, lol. It is so nice being able to enjoy the simple things like the birth of new babies, even the animal ones. Now I am waiting for my chicks to arrive so that I can celebrate that.

My life is good. I really cant complain. Sure there are times that I see other people's farms and think of how nice it would be to live on one of them, but I really enjoy my life the way it is. There is no way to know if those people are happy. They might have really nice farms but very unhappy lives. You do not know a person's situation unless you have lived in their shoes. I am very blessed, I have a family that loves me and goats!! lol God has blessed me in many many ways.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Nice weather

We finally had some nice weather today. It wasn't perfect but it was nice. I loved getting to be outside enjoying the day instead of indoors wishing the rain or snow would stop. I was able to get the goats hooves trimmed and gave them all a good brushing. Still waiting for Mohawk to have her babies though. This is definitely a lesson on patience because there is absolutely nothing I can do but wait until God decides it is time to bless us with our new addition or additions to our growing farm. The only thing that could have made this a more better day was if i wasnt still feeling so lousy. I am thinking it is allergies from all of the rain we have been having and the weather is forcasting some more rain in the next few days. I just have to remember that God is in control.
I do not understand why people do not take better care of their animals. Maybe it is money or maybe it is because they do not care enough, I do not know. I do know that I would not be able to ever watch my animals suffer especially if it is from something that I can take care of. My animals are what I do for a living also and I love them. They are my friends. They are such good listeners and they do not try to fix everything, they just listen. Sometimes that is what a person needs, for someone to just listen and my goats and chickens are awesome at that. People would do better to learn to listen and not always have to be the one heard and the center of attention. People need to just relax.
Why is everyone in such a hurry anymore also. Just sit back and relax and enjoy this life God gave you. You dont always have to be doing something, sometimes it is good to just sit and listen to nature. Soak it in. It is one of the most relaxing pasttimes. To just sit at the end of the day and enjoy watching the day go to bed. By the time the day is asleep you body has relaxed and you are ready to go to bed. People rely way to much on tv and internet to do that and in my opinion neither the television or the computer are relaxing, if anything they are stressful. It is just something else that is filling your mind up with a bunch of nonsense. I have to confess though that I have been doing things like playing farmville on facebook but I have decided to give that up for better pasttimes like sewing or reading. Things that are relaxing and good for the mind. Also, they are not such a waste of time. I do watch television also but I try to limit that and to watch shows that are good. Right now I am listening to Rascall Flatts on abc while typing this. I do believe that the internet can be a good thing. It can be educational and a good way to meet friends that have the same interests as me. There is a group I belong to with other goat owners and I would be lost without some of them. I also belong to a group that is for Chicken owners but they do not talk as much.
It is getting late so I guess I better find my way to relax tonight after I check on my mama goat. Goodnight.

Friday, March 11, 2011


Still waiting on Mohawk to drop her kids. The hardest part of this is waiting. I have never experienced this before so I am very anxious about it and want to be out there all the time to see if anything has changed. I am probably driving her buggy. I have taken so many pictures of her recently that my camera batteries died so I am not gonna have any pictures of the babies except with my cell phone lol. I am probably driving all of my goatwisdom friends insane with all my updates and pics. I just can't wait for the big day and I want to hurry it up!!!
It finally stopped raining last night but now there is snow. I really cannot wait until God decides to bless us with spring. I am more then ready to get outside and enjoy nature. I feel cooped up in the trailer. I go outside but it is such a hassle to get all bundled up and put my boots on and then it is cold out and hard to walk around because of all the muck from the rain.
We went to Wal Mart today and I got some new cold medicine. I was taking robitussin and it was helping alot with my congestion but was not doing anything for my cough. I got some Mucinex DM and some Dayquil. Hopefully they will help. I really wish I could find herbal remedies for when we are sick, especially something for a headache. I hate how much medicine we all take. I feel miserable though so I gave in and took over the counter meds. Someday I will live the kind of life I want to. Have to take it slow though.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

simpler time

I have decided I am gonna live a simpler life. We will grow and raise our own food and make as much stuff as we can. I am gonna start making presents instead of buying them and only buy the food that I absolutely have to. Sometimes I think I would be happy if we lived on a farm that was so remote that we had to have our supplies flown in. I wonder if I could have the stuff I cannot raise myself mailed to me. I am even thinking about buying a flour mill. That would be so cool.

I have had a cold or bad allergies for the last week and I am also patiently waiting for Mohawk to have her babies. I am trying very hard to be patient but to be 100% honest I just want to go out and squeeze them babies out of her lol. I think it will be about another week at the most and I can wait that long.

It has been raining and raining and raining lately and I keep telling myself not to complain about the rain because we need one more summer where we have water in our well and hopefully God is willing to show us how to have the money to buy another well next summer. It is suppose to change to snow tonight and I am actually tired of that also but God is in control and he knows what he is doing and I am gonna trust him. I cannot wait for nice spring weather though.

Not only am I patiently waiting for Mohawk to have her babies, I am also waiting for my seeds and plants to come that I ordered for my garden. I even ordered a banana plant to grow in the house!!! Is that cool or what? I am also waiting for 20 baby chicks to come. I researched what kind of chicken I wanted because all the ones I have been buying from locals or from tsc are not big enough to eat so I ordered Silver Laced Wyandottes. They are supposed to be kind, lay through the winter, and also big enough to fill my pot. :)