Monday, September 26, 2011

Being self sufficient

I would like to know what everyone else does to try and be more self sufficient. I wish there was a way for me to be totally self sufficient and not have to rely on the grocery store or outside help but realistically at least for me I do not think that is 100% possible. For one thing it takes money that I do not have. So, as the Bible tells us I will be content in the situation I am in. Now that fall is upon us and the growing season is over I am trying to learn what all I can do for my garden soil to make it the best it can be for growing next year. I am also going to decide over the fall and winter months what I want to plant next year, decide what plants grow the best in this area, what all herbs I need for my medicinal and kitchen herb gardens, where I would like to plant everything and if I need to clear some more space for the garden. Which is something I seem to need to do each year. This is also a good time to get to work on some projects for Christmas and to start thinking about my Christmas baking. I also need to make my barn a little less drafty and work on a more winterproof chicken coop. Each season brings on different things that need to be done. But when winter comes around maybe things will slow down a little and I will have a chance to breathe and relax a little. I love fall, it is my favorite time of year. Summer is to hot and winter is to cold but fall is just right. Fall and spring are both times of the year that I enjoy but I think I like fall the best.

1 comment:

  1. Hi! Just found your blog...I'm hoping to have some time soon to read some more of your previous posts! Have great day!
