Saturday, March 12, 2011

Nice weather

We finally had some nice weather today. It wasn't perfect but it was nice. I loved getting to be outside enjoying the day instead of indoors wishing the rain or snow would stop. I was able to get the goats hooves trimmed and gave them all a good brushing. Still waiting for Mohawk to have her babies though. This is definitely a lesson on patience because there is absolutely nothing I can do but wait until God decides it is time to bless us with our new addition or additions to our growing farm. The only thing that could have made this a more better day was if i wasnt still feeling so lousy. I am thinking it is allergies from all of the rain we have been having and the weather is forcasting some more rain in the next few days. I just have to remember that God is in control.
I do not understand why people do not take better care of their animals. Maybe it is money or maybe it is because they do not care enough, I do not know. I do know that I would not be able to ever watch my animals suffer especially if it is from something that I can take care of. My animals are what I do for a living also and I love them. They are my friends. They are such good listeners and they do not try to fix everything, they just listen. Sometimes that is what a person needs, for someone to just listen and my goats and chickens are awesome at that. People would do better to learn to listen and not always have to be the one heard and the center of attention. People need to just relax.
Why is everyone in such a hurry anymore also. Just sit back and relax and enjoy this life God gave you. You dont always have to be doing something, sometimes it is good to just sit and listen to nature. Soak it in. It is one of the most relaxing pasttimes. To just sit at the end of the day and enjoy watching the day go to bed. By the time the day is asleep you body has relaxed and you are ready to go to bed. People rely way to much on tv and internet to do that and in my opinion neither the television or the computer are relaxing, if anything they are stressful. It is just something else that is filling your mind up with a bunch of nonsense. I have to confess though that I have been doing things like playing farmville on facebook but I have decided to give that up for better pasttimes like sewing or reading. Things that are relaxing and good for the mind. Also, they are not such a waste of time. I do watch television also but I try to limit that and to watch shows that are good. Right now I am listening to Rascall Flatts on abc while typing this. I do believe that the internet can be a good thing. It can be educational and a good way to meet friends that have the same interests as me. There is a group I belong to with other goat owners and I would be lost without some of them. I also belong to a group that is for Chicken owners but they do not talk as much.
It is getting late so I guess I better find my way to relax tonight after I check on my mama goat. Goodnight.

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