Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The Simple Life?

I cannot figure out why in the world someone would choose to call this the "simple" life. I would call it the work until you drop, pain in the rear, not enough sleep, and wouldnt change it for anything life. But that is just me. There are some days where everything seems right in the world and my day goes peacefully enjoying little things like hearing the frogs croaking at night or watching the goats play in their pen while a nice breeze is blowing through my hair. But then there are days like I have had lately where I have to stomp through the mud to get to each of the animals and when I get out there at least 4 goats jump on me and get me muddy while I am trying to get through the barn door to get ready to milk the goat and then while I am trying to get only 1 goat up on the stand while fighting the baby goats to stay off of it they all spill the feed that I had in my hand trying to put it up in the stand for the milk goat. After cleaning it all up I have a major battle going just to get her to get all the way up on the stand because for some reason she prefers to keep her rear legs firmly on the ground while stretching to reach the feed with only her front legs on the stand. Ever try lifting the rear of a 150 pound goat? It is like dead weight. Finally I get it done and get the milk into the house just to realize that I left 7 ornery goats to spend time with one very grumpy 10 year old aka my niece. And it is only 7:30 in the morning!!! Finally I get all the goats fed, the dogs fed, the chickens fed, my niece to school and I can sit down and enjoy a glass of lemon water and eat breakfast. Who knows how the rest of my day will go, it is raining again so it will probably be an inside day for me but I am sure I will find loads of things to do. Another thing about this life that they call simple is that no matter how hard I work or how much money I spend their is always something else that needs done or fixing. It never seems like we have enough money to do all the stuff we need to and want to do but somehow everything seems to get done. I am real big on fixing stuff myself and spending as little money as possible doing it. It would be much easier to just call someone up to come fix what is broken but that would cost alot more money than we can afford to spend and where would the satisfaction be that you get from knowing that you got it done yourself. Just like it would be much easier to just run to the grocery store and buy all my fruits and veggies but then I couldnt stand out in the yard and look over my garden with pride knowing that I am growing healthy food for my family to eat and that I did it. Their is also a great satisfaction to me knowing what all has been put into and onto my food. That is the reason I try to grow all of our food and raise our own meat. I think there are alot of people who think I am crazy, especially when they see how tired I am but I would not change anything about how we live. It is a hard and sometimes exhausting life but it is also one of the most blessed lives you can have.


  1. I agree with you! So many people look at my farm and say "Boy, I would love to live this simple life". I say, "Have at it, anytime....Please, show me how it is done because I have yet to find it simple".


  2. Love your blog so far April, It has inspired me to start my own. I'm looking forward to reading yours and learning from you. :)

  3. I am glad everyone is enjoying it. Rose I so agree, people think we have it easy and I think we work very very hard. I love it though.
